Friday, November 22, 2019

Tuesday, 22 October 2019: Casa Colibri

Today is the type of day I think of when I hear people who worry what they will do in retirement.  Today was an all too typical day for me and Justin in Celestun.  Abraham returned from Tetiz about 7:40.  That doesn’t require anything from either Justin or me. He lets himself in and goes to work.  Chari arrived for the first time today about 8am.  I do hope she works out as a new cleaner for us.  “Aunt Chari” is Tony’s aunt; Tony is Aholi’s baby daddy.  Although Abraham takes the lead with telling Chari what to do, I still need to be rather present.  Pilates started at 9:00am.  Janet and Angela came for the first time today.  Justin took the dogs to the beach and for a swim.  Ivan and Jonathan showed up soon after Pilates.  We have a leak under the kitchen sink and another leak in our bathroom sink.  Ivan will also install the solar water heaters we want on the roof.  Justin just got into his conversation with Ivan and I’d just thrown a load of laundry into the washer when Mac and two of his guys showed up to install our bodegas (closets) in our bedroom.  We ordered these last year and here they are!  Ok, our house was hopping.  

 About noon, I went to buy flat chicken, rice, beans and tortillas for lunch for nine.  We learned last year that it is better to provide our workers with lunch than leave them to their own devices.  This way they eat and go back to work.  More importantly, it is good will and we are building with our people.  At about 2pm, I sat down for the first time today (other than when I sat down in the car to drive).    Did I mention that it is stinking hot?  I really wanted to take a shower, but with Mac and his guys working in our bedroom, I thought it best to wait.  

I had a great chat with Mary.  She is such a dear!  It is always fun to chat and to catch up.  She and John just returned from a birthday trip to the Texas hill country.  Thankfully they were pleased with my recommendations.  Now they are planning a spring Italy trip.  How cool that will be for them.  

Thankfully Justin’s was watching Mac and his team build our closets.  He had seen a piece or two on the back of the truck that he just couldn’t identify.  Then he figured it out.  According to Mac my closet was only half the size of Justin’s!  What?  Wait a second!  Justin said he’d switch with me and take the small one, but that’s not what we really wanted.  We told Mac this wasn’t acceptable.  He told us it would cost 3,000 more pesos and would take two more weeks.  We were happy to agree to wait to get what we wanted.

I need to book our hotel for Cuba but our internet is sketchy at best.  Maybe tomorrow...

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