Friday, November 22, 2019

Thursday, 17 October 2019: Celestún

I’ll need to get used to the sounds of Mexico again.  
We are still waking up too early.  Yesterday when Justin said he had wanted to sleep forever I echoed the sentiment. We've made a few minor attempts to settle in but we also packed to go to Merida over the weekend.  Thankfully, this trip was only for one night.  Gemma was convinced she was out of the car for a while, but no.  

In Merida we ran errands including Home Depot, Sams, Costco, plant store, our lawyer but the main reason we went there was to go to Boston’s to watch the Packer vs Lions football game.  We went to Boston's several times last year and at our first visit this year, we learned that the restaurant/sports bar has been dubbed a Packer Fan Zone.  Justin has all sorts of new friends.  He's working hard to teach them the cadence of "Go Pack Go!"  I can only imagine if Jordan and Erich were here too.  We were successful in supporting another Packer win.  Yes, 5 and 1 feels good.

Somewhere Justin has misplaced his drivers license so I drove most of the day.  We got home a bit after 6pm.  Our car was a clown car again in that it was filled to the brim  with dog and cat food, groceries, TP and PT and plants.  We got home and got the car unloaded in time to watch the debates.

Pilates was in full swing this morning; that will be the plan of the day for the winter on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays.  Justin takes the dogs for a walk and a swim while I pilat.

Another activity we will pursue is Aholi coming for massages.  She came today.  It was great to see her and to visit but it was even better to get a massage.  I got to meet Bethania when I drove Aholi home.  She looks just like Tony.  Two little teeth are pushing their way up and goodness knows she has a bunch of hair.

Naps are a big part of the new plan too.  I totally understand siestas.  It is just too hot to move out from the direct path of the fan.  

Wonder what this young lady 
wants for Christmas?

We found a new little restaurant for breakfast not 
too far from Alanso's office.  We will want to go back there. 

The Astros are doing quite well again.  Might we make it to the World Series for the second time in three years?

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