Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Tuesday, 11 September 2018: USA

My heart still hurts.  I remember when Columbine happened in 1999 and it changed the way we looked at schools.  Most kids in school weren’t even alive in 2001 when, again, our lives were totally altered.  I was in Okinawa.  I had just moved into my house but my household goods had not been delivered yet.  No tv, no radio.  I did have a phone.  Mother called to tell me what had happened right before Ruthe, my new boss, called me.  School had been cancelled because we were in the middle of a huge typhoon that circled over the island for three days.  As a result, we were in TCOR 1 (Typhoon Condition of Readiness where 1 is the most severe) and “confined to quarters” at the same time we were it Threatcon “Delta” (threat level critical and immediate) and “confined to quarters.”    I helped in a 100% accounting of all of our teachers and families.  (And that was only preparing me for a few years later when I was at the Japan DSO and we had to account for all teachers and students after Fukushima.)
Today, I only need to worry and Justin and Gemma and it is all ok.

Well, that isn't exactly all that I am worried about -- Bob Woodward's new book "Fear" on the Trump Whitehouse was released today -- OMG!

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