Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Sunday, 9 September 2018: Green Bay

NFL 2018 started this weekend.  The Packers opened the season at home against rival Chicago Bears!  Justin and I were there!
We joined in the city wide festivities yesterday at the Steve Miller Band concert last night in the stadium district; us and over 20,000 of our new best friends.  Anne Marie joined us first for drinks and dinner at Hinterland and then for the concert.  Steve Miller was born in Wisconsin and then moved to the Dallas area when he was five or six returning to UW-Madison for college.  He’s been around forever; hearing some of his old favs was like visiting with old friends. 

Justin bought Nike Packer tennis shoes.  While some are cutting the swooshes off their Nike wear, I want to buy Nike stock.  Colin Kaepernick is standing up for what he believes!

Our first stop on Sunday was a little dive of a bar on the way into town where we both had a Bloody Mary — this is the way to start a football day, right?

About 45 minutes before kick-off

Pre-game warm-ups

I wanted to be in the stadium early.  I wanted to see the warmups, the fly over, the whole sha-bang.  If this is the only game I get to go to this year, I wanted the whole enchilada.  
As it turned out, I got my money’s worth.  The game was indeed a great one.

Coin toss

How many Cheeseheads?  You can have your traditional wedge of cheese, a sombrero,
 a baseball cap, a fedora, a top hat, or even, my personal fav, a cowboy hat.

Late in the 4th quarter -- stands still filled to see Aaron Rodgers, who left the 
field on a cart in the second quarter, return to lead the Packers to overcome a 20 point 
deficit for a 24-23 win over the Bears.  This win puts the Packers ahead at 
97-94-6 in the rivalry that began in 1921.

Serena Williams was in the news today.  Seems she expressed her opinion and got slapped with a double standard.  I remember seeing bad boy John McEnroe at Wimbledon throwing a racquet and screaming at the umpire with barely a reprimand. Unfortunately, the little Japanese girl’s win will be remembered for all the wrong reasons.  Already, I have to go to google to look up her name, Naomi Osaka. 

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