Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Saturday, 1 September 2018: Brussels

Two different sets of people came from Bay Area Granite and Marble to look at our countertop — I am still not happy.  The seam color isn’t right, each of the slabs are level but they aren’t level together.  There is at least 1/16” difference and, the biggest problem that the slabs aren’t cut in the same direction.  Just like fabric with a nap, the slabs are totally different colors.  I’m not paying the bill until I am satisfied.  I don’t want to be “that customer” but I am not paying the bill yet.  Jason came over to look too so he can speak to the company rep on our behalf.  Meanwhile, he started working on the shelf that will be above the bar.  We may wait until next year to really get going with this next project.

The shelf will follow the line of the countertop and be supported from the ceiling.
I am excited about the live edge on the support at the cabinet.  
We will lose the light fixture here and replace with puck lights underneath the shelf.  
All of this will preserve and enhance the view to the bay.

We talked to Alonzo again this week.  A month or so ago the show stopper was the documentation regarding establishment of the corporation from Playa Del Carmen. That hurdle was finally cleared and now the deal is that we need to designate an auditor.  Alonzo said it wasn’t a “real” auditor but instead someone who would sign the papers that the lawyer prepared.  Peter served in this role for Maria so he was our logical and first choice.  Alonzo said he’d need copies of Peter’s ID and visa.  When we emailed Bijon, he reminded us that Alonzo has all this already including a copy of Peters passport!  And, the quote of the season -- Justin told Bijon “Even the money is tired of waiting.”

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