Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Monday, 27 August 2018: Brussels

Gully-washer of a rain storm last night set Justin and me up for a long, lazy morning in bed followed by a binge watching session of Downton Abbey.  We are quite enjoying the season and today we wrapped up season five.  Only one more to go.

We read lots of Packer news and caught up on info and advice from the Motley Fool.  I am obsessed with watching the stock market and the securities I've placed on my watch list.  I was convinced that the market would react negatively right after the inauguration.  I think we've been living on borrowed time.   I am very conservative so we aren't likely to see huge jumps, but we better not see steep dives either.  

We heard a crack n the night and woke to see that the top of this tree had fallen.  The tree was rotten on the inside and the part still standing has a huge crack.  The part that has fallen is at least 40'.  Good thing that didn't fall on top of our house!

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