Monday, September 24, 2018

Saturday, 24 August 2018: Green Bay

We went to Sean’s house yesterday.  He’s done tremendous work since he bought the house about two years ago.  He’s rebuilt the stone walls and has made quite the oasis in his backyard.  We all headed to a local pub for the first half of the Packer/Raider game — third of four preseason games.  We had quite a late start, 9:30pm, since the game was on the west coast so we drove to Rouer’s in Brussels during half time to finish the game with (owners) Tracey and Brian.  

Justin went to farmers market this morning while I stayed to hang out at home. He’d planned to go to the Merlin after but when he saw that Artscape was in full swing, he called me so I could join him there.  We enjoyed the trendy artsy-farts venue for the afternoon.  Once we were both back at home, we set out northward in the Bayliner.  It was quite dark when we got back to Chadouirs Dock but we were learning how to identify the cut into the dock from the water.  

In the news this week Aretha Franklin died.  Tom McCain died.  Michael Cohen, Trump’s lawyer, plead guilty to campaign finance charges and refused immunity
Paul Manifort was also found guilty on eight counts of fraud.  I made sure I filled out my voter registration form.  My sole voice will be heard next time.

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