Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Tuesday, 4 September 2018: NEW

No coffee?  No coffee!
My coffee pot died.  No coffee!  And I just bought that coffee pot!
Breakfast at April's?  You bet.
Then into town to run errands.  The new laptop I bought should have been my highlight of the day, but a new coffee pot took top billing.

We also stopped at Hartung to get more hastas.  Justin has really done a nice job of our landscape.  Now if the tractor would work so he can mow.  He borrowed Jordan's tractor to mow and to pull ours out of the boathouse so we can get it in for repair.

On to Windjammers for Tuesday night races and to pump out Merlin.  It has rained so much lately.

We also bought product to prep the floor in the bathroom.  I pulled up the linoleum in there.  As we get ready for the new walk-in shower, we decided now was the time to do the toilet and the floors.

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