Thursday, August 31, 2017

Sunday, 16 July 2017: Green Bay

We went sailing with Dave and Terry Gay.  What a lovely day on the water!  Dave and Terry are both such hoots -- it was nice to spend time just with them.  I did laugh when we got back into shore and several others were commenting on how hot it was and how nice it was to be out of the sun.  I wanted to ask which one of them had even broken a sweat.  It was such a great day with just the right amount of breeze.  Awesome!

Back on shore and back in town we stopped at Hartung to visit Rich and Erica.  They will be moving out of our house at the end of August unfortunately.  We hate to see them go.

Next stop -- the storage unit.  This was our last trip!  We are finally out!  Thankfully and finally!

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