Thursday, August 31, 2017

Saturday, 4 June 2017: Green Bay

Catastrophe.  Calamity.  Chaos.  Crap.
The first time we visited 1429 North Bayshore Road, I backed into a tree as we were leaving.  Was that an omen?  If I believed in such things, I might be concerned.  When we got back here in the spring, the garage door opener got out of whack when Justin was working on removing all the measures the previous owner put in place to prevent damage from snow drifts etc.  Many, many items of clothing got paint on them when we put a new coat of paint on the mirror in the guest bedroom.  These and other mishaps pale in comparison to watching my husband pick up pieces of wood from a piece of furniture that flew off a truck in the middle of a rainstorm in the dark.  Yes, when we were moving goods from the storage unit, the weather man was, for once correct.  We loaded the oak buffet, the waterfall chest and two of the three pieces of a Japanese tansu into the back of the truck and headed north.  Before we even got out of Green Bay the wind picked up and the bottom fell out of the sky.  Not too long after we were on the highway a significant just of wind knocked one of the sections of the tansu out of the middle of the truck!  After stopping, Justin and I walked down the highway and were miraculously able to retrieve all the pieces of the now dubbed "flying tansu."  Not too much farther down the road, the tailgate of the truck failed and when it opened, the waterfall chest fell out.  We pulled over immediately to assess.  Justin then made the loop and went back to pick up all the pieces from the highway.  Watching him, in the dark, in the torrential rain, picking up pieces of wood from the highway was awful and not an experience I look forward to repeating.

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