Thursday, August 31, 2017

Saturday, 22 July 2017: 1429 N Bayshore Road

Lisa and Alan were set to arrive this evening.  We busted it all day hanging pics, arranging and rearranging and getting ready for our first official out-of-town guests.  When we hung a small shoji door over a window, Justin was inspired to build a frame around it that looks like a tori gate.  The wood matches perfectly and the end result really does make quite a statement along with our black and white woodblock prints. 

The kitchen is fully functional... well, almost.  We don't have the sink in yet, but we are close.  The cabinet above the stove will hold a microwave (next year).

The tansus are in place to hold the tv.  That will happen soon ... at least as soon as I find the Apple TV.  It was in my suitcase all over Mexico but now I can't find it.  It is somewhere in the garage. 

The new sink and faucet for the bathroom is ready and waiting in the garage, but for now, since it is the only functioning sink, we are embracing the harvest gold one.


We set up the trundle bed into a king-sized bed and even had time to get a fire started before Lisa and Alan arrived about 10:30pm.  They made the drive from Goldthwaite in two days so I am sure they'll be ready to get out of the car and stretch.


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