Thursday, August 31, 2017

Wednesday, 1 June 2017: 1429 N Bayshore Road

We are meeting our neighbors both in the neighborhood and in the community.  Don and Amy live next door.  They are here year round.  We met them last fall since we share the well with them.  I look forward to developing a friendship with them.  Margie lives in a huge house just to the north of us; she is an heiress to a ship builders fortune.  Brussels royalty?   She also lives here year round.  She has just extended the stone wall that borders her property.  We do hope that this is not in response to the fact that we parked in the easement before our driveway was put in.  We went over one morning to introduce ourselves and we had a nice chat.  Some of the other neighbors have told us that she had a turf war with the previous owners and, in response, she moved her driveway.  Sometimes people have more money than sense.  Fred and Judy live a couple of houses down in what we call "the mushroom house."  Fred made some mushroom caps from cement on top of tree stumps.  He says he is working on a fairy to go on top of the mushrooms.  Paul Newman lives down the street too.  We share the board for our mailbox with him.  I don't think he was an actor nor do I think he makes salad dressing. 

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