Monday, July 10, 2017

Wednesday, 17 May 2017: Little Suamico, WI

The boat is in the water!  "Boats In" might have officially been on Saturday, but today was the day for us.  Justin has been sanding and painting and sanding and painting.  I have made all kinds of new friends with my frequent trips to Menards for supplies and equipment as we are working on the house.  Within the last week, Patty at Skipper's Choice has been added to my list of new BFFs.  Sam, yellow lab also at Skippers' Choice, and Gemma have had several play dates when I stop by there to pick up more paint or specialty supplies.

The crane was at Windjammers Sailing Club on Saturday, but knowing that the straps would mark our fresh paint, we opted to go for a launch from the trailer.  Tom Piarquet volunteered his truck and his expertise.  We had planned for a later Saturday afternoon launch but the weather picked up and even thought the water was high, the wind was working against us.  On Wednesday morning Jordan was there with his truck and rescue chain at the ready should Tom get in trouble.  Ric and Carolyn came out to document the event and thankfully, Dave Gay was there to provide moral support and commentary throughout.

We head across the harbor to our slip
Since the carburetor went out for repair a couple of weeks ago, getting from the ramp to our slip under power was not an option.    Jordan and I hopped across boats running a line across the docks so once afloat we could jockey the boat into position.

Basically,the weather cooperated and event went without a hitch.


Justin and I pause to breathe after a successful launch

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