Monday, July 10, 2017

Tuesday, 11 April: 1429 N Bayshore Road

Today was a banner bay.  Our new refrigerator was delivered, our telephone was connected and we now have internet!

Justin started a fire this morning that made the inside of our house nice and toasty.  I worked in our bedroom sorting clothes and beginning to set up an office area while Justin surveyed the property, continued cleaning and clearing and planning.  He has all kinds of plans for ponds and clearings and a lot less grass.  

Shopping for the frig became quite the challenge.  The freezing compartment of the unit we inherited worked well.  Within a few days of connecting electricity, I realized that the freezer was not "frost free", and although not ideal, because the refrigerator section worked almost reasonable well, we felt we could focus on other needs.  We limped along for a week or so looking at fridges and shopping a bit until the refrigerator decided it had had enough.  Quite immediately a new frig became a hot priority.  Well, guess what, they don't make fridges to fit our size constraints any more...anywhere.  We looked at every frig in Green Bay.  We looked all over Craigslist, at wholesale vendors and at the local reconditioned appliance stores to no avail.  Shopping is usually very enjoyable for me and Justin is usually accommodating (I think he actually enjoys it too most often).  We'd given up cabinet space to open up the view of the bay and we couldn't give up any more storage space for a frig.  We found a Frigidaire at Menards and it was delivered today!  The only question now is will the cheese drawer be large enough for this boy from Wisconsin?

New frig almost in place.  I am getting used to open cabinets!

Justin painted this evening (our kitchen cabinets are now white) while I hooked up our internet.  It seems we can receive calls but not place outgoing calls.  I'll get on that in the morning.  I'll also pay our gas bill and sort out the communication with our mail lady, Angela.  Justin got our mail box mounted and today was the first day we received mail at our new address.  Dellene will still be our "mail service" when we are on the road, but for now, we are really least with USPS.

Jeff from JJ Excavation dropped off the skidster and he will start on the driveway early tomorrow morning.  We have been borrowing Jordan's truck partly because of the mud but also since we have so much crap to haul away and then all of our treasures from the storage unit need to find there way here too once we are ready.  Justin has been spending time in the garage getting organized.  He will place and mount some of the cabinets we took out of the dining room into the garage but first he has to make space.  Monday we discarded about thirty tires and a handful of rims as well as a half dozen lawn chairs.  We are finding a treasure or two here and there (the previous owners left a wooden box he had built years ago for his mom to store firewood) but we are also finding lots of junk that needs to be carted away.

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