Monday, July 10, 2017

Saturday, 1 April 2017: Brussels

Taken from the kitchen when the wall was intact.
It might be April Fools Day for some, but there is no joking in the work Justin and I have ahead.  We weren't in our house more than 24 hours before Justin was taking down walls.  We've talked about this and planned for the past several months and now it is time to get to work.

View from living room with wall in place.
We lost some cabinet space in the kitchen but the commanding view to the water is now the focal point.  I felt like I was in jail standing at the sink for those little bars came down pretty fast too.  

Even less wall.  Lots more view!

Outside it is still winter.  Ice in the bay is melting and the ice shifts change dramatically with each day.  Erich gave us a bird feeder and given that there is precious little out there to munch on, the squirrels are getting their treats too. 

1 comment:

  1. So glad you two made it to your home. I'm sure it will keep you both busy for some time.
