Monday, July 10, 2017

Tuesday, 2 May 2017: Brussels

Now we need a new hot water heater.  Seems like every time we turn around, we have yet another hurdle.  It is true what they say about fixer-uppers.  More things go wrong... everything takes twice as long as you expect and it costs twice as much as you budget.  

In talking to Jordan, he remarked that there was nothing sexy about a water heater.  I'm applying that litmus test to all our challenges.  Sexy?  Not sexy? 
Note the large red warning tag from the gas company
New driveway?  not sexy  When our household goods were delivered in November, the guy got stuck.  Justin chalked it up to not knowing how to drive in Wisconsin but when the local guy from the gas company got stuck when trying to switch out the propane tank ...

New frig?  sexy

New range?  sexy; may need to wait until next year

Washer and dryer?  very sexy but with our awful water I'll be going to the laundromat every two weeks or so

New bamboo floors?  Very sexy

Step one on painting paneling in bedroom

Justin works on vanity cabinets in bathroom

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