Monday, July 10, 2017

Sunday, 16 April 2017: 1429 N Bayshore Road

Easter Sunday!  Christ is risen!  He is risen indeed!
It was one year ago today when we announced that I would retire.  We were at brunch at Dave and Susan's when we first shared our news.  My oh my, what a year!

Justin surveys progress on the new driveway
We are settling into being locals here in Brusssels.  We made all kinds of new friends with the guys from Lakes Gas and Wulf Brothers when we got our furnace repaired and the new propane tank installed.  JJ's excavation put in our new driveway and the good folks from Marchants, the local grocery store are just as nice as can be.  Marchants is a cross between Trader Joes and a 1950's corner store.  Their meat counter is fabulous.  They slaughter and butcher their own meat.  Their selection on most items is adequate -- who needs fourteen different brands of quart sized baggies anyway?   They have meat.  They have wine.  They have cheese.  All is good.

We had a ham last week so I wasn;t really interested in ham for Easter dinner so we had shrimp and grits.  No, it isn't really a traditional menu, but it sure was good, IMHO.

Gemma had a special Easter dinner too
and she doesn't even mind the
orange shag carpet.

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