Monday, June 13, 2022

Saturday, 21 May 2022: Hartung

Dellene called today and said she had nothing good to say. Dellene is always positive.  For today it is so stinking hot in Texas.  We really lucked out with weather when we were there.  It barely sprinkled a few times, and it wasn't miserably hot at all.  thankfully!  If it had been horrible, I might never get Justin back again.  

I try to do something every time I walk downstairs to the basement.  I will set up my setting room down there one day.  For today I am just trying to sort things out and store them so I can find them easily.  This is a good time to reorganize so I am trying to get it all done.

Plants in the ground -- this year we went with tomatoes, a few squashes, summer and acorn, and eggplant.  We missed the asparagus while we were in Texas but it is too soon for them anyway.  

In the course of tilling the garden in preparation to plant, Justin dug up all the volunteer horseradish.  We processed it — never again.  That is the most toxic stuff I've ever dealt with.  I wore gloves and goggles and I still cried and cried.  We ended up with at least 6 quarts and 20 little Tupperware containers.  I gave some to Anne Marie, Ric, Terry, Jordan, Erich, Colleen, Gloria,  Mark, and anyone else who stood still long enough.  We are enjoying cold boiled shrimp a lot though — good trade off!  We will have enough in our freezer for the rest of our lives because we will never be doing that again.

In going through all the stuff from the storage unit, I found some treasures.  I found a cool cutting board Steph had given me but that I'd never used and I also found a mini Persian carpet mouse pad and coaster that Mary gave me years ago.  Old friends just like some of my dishes!  




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