Monday, June 13, 2022

Friday, 8 April 2020: Green Bay

We've been back a week.  Even though it is two weeks later than originally planned it was still too early.  We got the boat and truck out of the garage in Brussels so we are totally and officially out.  Deb and Rick had given us until 15 April to clear and we were well ahead of that date.  

While we were there, we walked around the property. Justin still grieves; I’m sticking with the sale being a good idea especially when we saw water in the boathouse.  It was NOTHING like several years ago when the entire front side had been knocked in from an ice shove, but still, standing water can't be a good thing.  

We had a new garage door installed at Hartung.  We'd ordered the door before we left in the fall with the understanding that the door would be installed in about a month.  Ric was prepared for the call from Andrew, our garage door guy.  Unfortunately, Andrew kept saying that there were supply chain issues.  grr.   Anyway, we now have a new garage door.

Got our next COVID boosters. Guess it was our responsibility to get them documented on our vaccination card.  I called to ask, the good folks at Bellin said we could drop by to get our vaccination card update.  When I watched her sign the card, I thought I really could have done that myself... but we did it officially... and compliantly.  

Eruch ad his kids came to town fr the weekend.  They stopped by our house and we got in a quick visit before the kids headed to see their cousins.  Even Sophie got to try out Gemma's bed.

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