Monday, June 13, 2022

Tuesday, 12 April 2020: Lorayne's house in Tulsa

After just nine nights in our bed, we were back on the road. 

The arch in St Louis
hidden in the clouds  
Our first night out, Monday, 11 April, we stayed in a little hotel on Historic Route 66 in Lincoln, Illinois. Tuesday, day two, we were on the road by 8am headed to Tulsa.  We paid $3.96 for gas.  Most gasoline was closer to $4.15. Those 20 cents a gallon matters when you're retired. 

We wrote to Dave and Susan Hemmer to see if they could meet us for breakfast in St Louis to find out they were on the road to go to Galveston.  We made tentative plans to meet them later along the road.  They added the list started by Stephanie, Dellene and Lorayne, all who have jumped through hoops to accommodate our travel plans. 

There are substantial differences in the sights of spring. Red bud popping out, lots of green grasses… not so much yet in Wisconsin.  As we got farther south, we even saw places where the grass needed to be mowed already.   

We took a detour to go to MidAmerica Industrial Park. Justin bought stock in GOEV / Canoo and this is the electrical car manufacturer's future home.  He'd envisioned knocking on their door and asking for a tour.  No sign of that yet. 

We ended our day at Lorayne’s home in Tulsa.  How nice it was to see her again!!!

Today in Oklahoma… passage of another Uber restrictive abortion law

Today in NYC … another mass shooting

Today in Bellingham Washington … Bruce Derr was taken off palliative care and placed in hospice care. 

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