Saturday, March 27, 2021

Wednesday 10 March 2021: Milwaukee

Today was Lilly’s birthday.  We drove to Milwaukee to spend some quality time with Erich and his kids.  There was talk of Jonas and Caleb going too but in the end, it ended up being all about Lily.  And, that was best.  After a nice long visit with the boys, Justin and I took Lilly on an outing Daddy Yo’s for frozen yogurt and then to Old Navy for a quick birthday shopping spree.

Lilly had requested pheasant for her birthday meal and Erich invited us to join.  I don't think I'd ever eaten pheasant before so that was a treat but the real treat was simply eating out.  This was the first time we’ve eaten off someone else’s dishes in almost a year.  It was perfect that we could celebrate with Erich and the kids!

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