Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Saturday, 30 January 2021: outside by the river

Justin has a tradition of hosting a party on the last Saturday of January.  He insists that it is not a birthday party.  He’s gone back and forth quite a bit this year given the pandemic and all so, after much thought, this year it does look a bit different...totally scaled down.  He only invited a handful of people and set the time at something like from two to four this afternoon.  
Goodness knows we both know how to host a party.  You wouldn't have known it though.  Justin bought several cases of beer and we put them on the deck.  Yep.  That's it.  No snacks, no nothing.  Dave and Terry were the first to arrive  It was So, So nice to visit with them.  Charlie and Sam who used to live next door stopped by as did Sean and Anne Marie.  Of course Gloria popped over from next door.  We had chairs set up on the deck and a bonfire going at the river.  When I told Dellene what we were doing she commented that it was simply too cold to be outside.  I certainly have the pasty white skin on a Wisconsinite, maybe I have the blood too?

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