Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Tuesday, 9 February 2021: waiting room at Bellin

Justin got his first shot today.  YEA!!!  When he was there he learned that Bellin has a sign up process for any shots they have left over at the end of the day.  You have to go first thing in the morning to sign up and then go back just before 5pm to see.  Of course, everyone 65 and over is on page one and I have to be on page two.  If there are any extra doses, all the page one people go before anyone on page two no matter what time they signed up.  But we will try.  Oh yes, we will try.  

After our shots we went on a shopping spree:  we both got new shoes and I got a new new purse.  I bought clock mechanisms for two blocks at Hobby lobby, and my romantic husband bought a box full of chocolates at Seroogy’s for an early Valentine’s celebration! 

The second impeachment trial started today.  I'll be so glad when this mess is over.  Sometimes when I hear myself I am reminded of Dellene's cousin Nelwyn.  I remember a hundred years ago going out to lunch with Nelwyn and she commented about how happy she'd be when ladies no longer wore tennis outfits out in public.  She felt that was oh, so casual.  If she could only see us now!  Is this what all the politics mess will be like.  Will it ever really go away?  goodness....

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