Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Sunday, 31 January 2021: in the backyard at Hartung

Justin’s birthday!  Justin got up in time to watch the Sunday morning news shows.  I stayed in bed for a while until I heard noises that sounded like someone nearby shoveling snow.  It sounded like it was very near but I knew Justin was inside.  Then I heard him talking to someone...who?  Jordan and Erich came over to shovel their dad's driveway!  What a great birthday present!  When they learned that he clears Lloyd and Gloria's driveway, they did that one too.  How cool was that!  

They came inside after and had babka and a nice long visit with their dad. 

Early in the afternoon, The boys came back with Kris and all the kids.  The kids were all bundled up in snow gear.  All six cousins just ran and ran.  They never tire out.  Ian joined in the driveway klatch.  Thankfully there was plenty of beer left over from yesterday.  

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