Thursday, May 13, 2021

Sunday, 14 March 2021: Upstairs in my new sewing room

We've had incredibly mid weather lately... one might think it is almost spring.  Ok, it's in the high 30s.  But for us, that's almost balmy.  The river is open and we've seen a few ducks and geese.  

We've seen some incredible ice shoves along the bay in Brussels.  They really are magnificent and they are not threatening to damage as the ones last year were.  Thankfully!!!

We installed a new toilet last week ... now that is very, very sexy! 

I've started quilting!  I've rather taken over upstairs
 and turned it into a sewing room.  I've never really quilted before that's all new.  Sure, I've made dozens of Christmas ornaments and potholders and other weird things, but not really "quilting."  I visited two quilt shops in town and just entering a fabric store, I could feel a sense of "home" wash over me.  I selected three projects to start and none of them are the traditional piece work.  Instead, two are landscape quilts and one is in the bargello design.  Yes, I'm rather absorbed.  

This landscape quilt was inspired by a photo of the beach in Celestun.  I started with fabric pieces 
 and where I end up is yet to be determined.  

For this piece I started with pre-cut strips of batiks.  I re-made into a larger piece of fabric on which I will applique the Mayan glyph for "Colibri".  I'm super excited about hanging this at Casa Colibri.  My third first project will be cherry blossoms to hang in our bedroom in Brussels.  Now I need to buy a walking foot for my Bernina!  Back to the fabric store!

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