Thursday, May 13, 2021

Wednesday, 7 April 2021: Bill Dean's house

Dinner out -- again!  This time at Bill's house.  Justin has been friends with Bill Dean for years.  Bill grew up rather comfortably and has been quite successful in the real estate business.  His niche is million dollar waterfront properties.  He's been out to weigh in on our Brussels property a few times and while it certainly isn't in that price range, he will list it for us when we are ready to sell.  He also spends winters in Mexico; his favorite spot is San Miguell de Allende.  He didn't get to go this year either so he and Justin have commensurate a bit.  He did however, perfect his Enchiladas Suiza.  Justin and I were invited to his home for dinner.  It was nice to meet Mary Jo and the enchiladas were great!!

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