Friday, December 25, 2020

Wednesday, 18 November 2020: no more sitting on the fence!

On Saturday we told Cindy we wanted out of our contract.  She talked to her people and they talked to their people.  I'd already talked to a few lawyers to determine that we didn't really have a lot of wiggle room since most of the protections are for the buyer.  
We wrote a big check...we are moving on.  At least I get my husband back.

So now our work shifts.  It is no less work, but totally different focus.  Now we move stuff back to Hartung.
We ordered a new BIG TV.  It wont be here for football for tomorrow but soon.

We are continuing to work on the new closet in the back bedroom in Brussels.  Demolition is complete and the new closet doors arrived and they are exquisite but damaged.  Damaged!  I contacted the vendor and went into Prison Martha mode after the third phone call.  As it turned out, we got a full refund and we "can discard the merchandise as we choose."  Thankfully, I know how to repair shoji doors!

When we picked up the chain saw and Mantis from Luxembourg Implement, we also bought 10 lbs of cheese to take to Mexico.  But are we going?  I am hesitant.  I am reluctant.  I am so confused. 

Justin’s decided to store two cars in Brussels and at least one boat and one car at Hartung. 
Meanwhile, in Celestun... we've been in communication with Abraham and learned that there is water standing on our property.  No damage to the house, but lots of the plants have died from the salt water and too much water.  Evaristo will finish the work in Abraham’s kitchen today.  Antonio hasn’t finished his work and Abraham will follow up on that.  We paid him to complete restoration of the doors into our apartment.  It is a bit disconcerting.  

 The big question now is can we get our work done and be ready to fly on 1 December and, the even bigger question is do we want to fly at all?  Texas passed 1 million cases of COVID 19; California passed 1 million cases.  Better go make another mask or three. 

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