Sunday, December 20, 2020

Thursday, 12 November 2020: Hartung


Justin is not happy.  This is more than buyer's remorse.  And, it is more than just some more hard work.  We are busting it to get everything back to Brussels after having spent the summer in both places.  Me?  I too am having doubts.  Do we really want to go to Mexico?  If we sell this house and we don’t go to Mexico, where will we live?

Our flights are booked for us to leave on 1 December.  I am so ready but do I really want to go?

We got a new garage door in Brussels.  This one is white, insulated and way cool.  

Meanwhile, in Celestun: Evaristo is installing screens in the guest kitchen.  Peter has lunch/dinner offerings for take-away.  He certainly has adapted given the way things have changed.  We see his advertisements through Facebook.  Some look great.  Part of me wishes we were there to support his new business plan.  

We went back to Brussels and then back to Hartung at the end of the day.  All summer long I've been trying to make sure what we want to eat is in the house we are in rather than have two complete kitchens, pantries and frigs.  Today I left bag of food for dinner in the hallway in Brussels while we headed back to Hartung.  Oh, well.  

Trump still hasn’t conceded. It’s one thing that he hasn’t done the gentlemanly thing.  It is another to prevent the wheels of government to continue to turn   The Administrator of GSA holds the purse strings.  There is no money to fund the transition.  What will the next +/- 70 days bring?  

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