Friday, December 25, 2020

Monday, 22 November. Hwy 57 between Green Bay and Brussels


We blew out the water lines at Brussels and we are moving stuff back to Hartung.  Are we continue to move stuff back to Hartung.  We sure do have a lot if stuff.  Somewhere along the way Justin said he just wasn't a one garage kind of guy.  I responded with that I wasn't a Randy and Lorri Grant kind of girl.  Rany and Lorri are our friends from Japan who retired early and got it ALL down to a back pack and a carry on... for life.  Not just for travel, but for life.  No, not me.  I like my stuff too much.  

We worked with Gracie and Nathanael yesterday in the yard at Bayshore.  We are trying to do as much as we can outside while the weather is still bearable.  Actually it has been a mild, pleasant fall.  Justin wanted to get some trees down and it didn't really work with Gracie at the wheel to pull.  The tree fell into Don and Amy's yard.  This wasn't good.  Don said he'd never seen Justin move so fast.  

Our new TV was delivered on Friday and we were all set up in time to watch Sunday football. We have little rabbit ears antenna to get local channels, and for today that is fine.  Since we are continuing to work our way through Netflix, we are doing just fine.  We had cold boiled shrimp and a few other special treats to mark football in our own house. 

Unfortunately the Packers lost. Perhaps I need to rethink my Jordie Nelson jersey. I wore it when we lost to the Vikings and I wore it again yesterday when we lost to the Colts and I’ve only worn it twice!!!


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