Thursday, December 10, 2020

Thursday, 22 October 2020: Hartung

Today is only Thursday and it has already been a huge week for us.
On Tuesday we turned in our ballots.  Please, oh, please let people do the right thing and get out to vote!  Oh yeah, and let our votes be counted!  

On Wednesday, Justin went to the doctor.  He has a spot on his nose that prompted the visit.  The doc says not to worry unless it changes.  Meanwhile, his labs look great.  Yes, we both need to watch cholesterol and sugars but in the scheme of things, we are doing fine.

The really big news ...  we accepted an offer on the house on Hartung.  Justin and I have gone back and forth on this so many times ... we finally said sell.  Justin has mixed feelings but I am happy, happy.  The house was on the market for eight days.  We didn’t get as much as Justin wanted but we did get more than our agent recommended we stated with.  

The floor in the basement has been quite the beast.  There were all too many areas where the concrete floor was pitted.  We bought a skim coat product for repairs and then planned to paint on top of opal that.  If we were staying, I’d do a scatter coat on top of that, but we will save that for another day or another house.  So Jim was supposed to do the repairs and the work on the basement floor.  Justin wasn’t happy at all with his work.  I overheard the conversation when Justin told Jim he wasn’t happy with Jim’s work; he said he wanted the floor  “as smooth as a baby’s bottom.”  Later Justin told me he felt like Jim had done the work “with a shovel.”  What all this meant was that Justin ended up completing all the faring.  He was down on his hands and knees until 4 am a couple of nights ago.  I’ll be so, so glad when this is complete.  Of course, I’ll be glad to get my washer and dryer back! 

So... we settled up with Jim and sent him on his way.  Since we’ve got a contract, we are revisiting our next steps.  We will complete the floor in the basement and finish painting in a few spots but we won’t be taking on many of the plans we might have done had it been our home. 

We still have mountains of work to do, primarily in the basement, but the end, here, is in sight.  Now, we have to move everything back to Bayshore -- aargh! 

The final presidential debate last night.  I think Biden might have gotten drawn off message at the end in the big oil industry volley, so we will see what comes of that.  Good for clean and renewable energy but what about Texas?

I’m eager to see the 60 minutes interview.  

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