Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Sunday, 30 August 2020: Hartung and Brussels

Mike, Mandi and Eli came to visit on Saturday.  Gemma gets along just fine with their dog, Mel.  Even though Mel is only four, Gemma runs and keeps up with him as if she were a puppy.  She is the perfect dog!  Mandy and I made a run to Sully's for fresh fruits and vegetables.  Jordan and his family joined too.  And, just like that, dinner for ten.  Thankfully Jordan was on grill duty.

After dinner Justin and I turned the house over to Mike and Mandi and headed to Hartung.  I sure do like our king sized bed there!  The trip gave me a chance to get all the laundry done too.

This morning Justin made French toast for all of us when Jordan and his family joined us too.

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