Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Saturday, 22 August 2020: By the Bay

Throughout the week, Justin and I continued to work on the yard.  It is really beginning to look nice.  I do look forward to the day when we are in a more simple maintenance mode rather than total overhaul and repair.  

Jordan and his family come over for a visit.  Jordan grilled burgers and corn.  It is all about the corn these days...corn and tomatoes.  I am a pretty cook cook but there is little I can do to beat good vegetables.  Kris is getting better.  It is slow and her spirits are fluctuating, but she is fine.  


 Jordan often anchors his pontoon boat just off our boathouse.  The kids can run back and forth if they like.  We can all visit and still be safe and socially distant.  Gemma is a lot happier when we are all up by the deck rather than too near the water however.  

Justin and I started painting in the kitchen at Hartung.  We change our minds every ten minutes on whether or not to sell.  Justin’s friend Douglas brought his friend Matt over to look at the house.  Matt used to own a house down the street and he really likes the neighborhood.  He is very interested in buying but his wife isn’t sold.  I just don’t want Douglas to yank Justin around too long.  

The Democratic National convention was last week.  The Republican show is soon.  Sometimes I feel like it is a train wreck and I can’t look away.  Black Lives Matters continues to be of critical importance across our nation.  This is such a strange time.  And, I have beaten Kim in Scrabble a few times!  THat is really strange!

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