Sunday, September 6, 2020

Thursday, 6 August 2020: By the Bay

Quite a big day in a middle-of-the-pandemic way.  Bill Dean, Justin’s real estate friend, came over just before noon.  Bill specializes in bay front property and usually only lists property well over one million dollars.  He gave us his two cents on selling or not to sell.  Bill seemed to really enjoy the cherry clafoutis we enjoyed out on the deck.

Then Susan Fermanich stopped by.  She and her husband live in Arkansas now.  The Fermanich’s owned this property before us so they were having a little walk down memory lane while up here for a summer get-away.  

Then Steven Marco arrived.  Steven continues his quest for multi-hull boats.  He had driven from Reno to look at a boat in Milwaukee but he decided not to buy.  He stopped by here for a short visit.  We’d told him we could keep him safe and we would have gone to Hartung but he chose to sleep in his truck. We shared fond memories of when we were together for 11 nights on our “repositioning cruise” from Rockport to New Orleans two years ago.

Dinner was scrumptious!  Justin’s Greek tomato salad was our first course.  That was followed by pork tenderloin served with leek and snap pea risotto.  Watermelon for dessert.

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