Sunday, February 9, 2020

Wednesday, 22 January 2020: Casa Colibri

Happy Birthday Lisa!
Meet Max.  
We picked him up at Katherine’s Hacienda.  This was our second visit and we still havent had the grand tour.  Katherine wasnt home but Louis handled the handoff expertly.  
Max loaded himself right

up in the car — it would be so interesting to know of his previous life.  Clearly he’s been in a car before.  We think he is three or four years old.  Katherine rescued him from a Mexican family where he was chained up all the time; precious little interaction with people or other dogs and certainly not the type or amount of exercise he needs.  She’s been feeding him as much as he can eat and taking care of a few skin irritations.  She would have liked to have kept him but he didn’t work out with her pack.  We are going to try to see if he works with ours.  If so, we will get him fixed as soon as we can.  That will help change his demeanor and calm him down.  

The initial introductions were, well, loud.  All the other dogs were really talking, but Max, not so much.  He was a little more tentative.  But when he does bark, oh my!  It is truly a full-body bark.  It starts at his back toes and you can see it move up across his back toward his head and mouth.  Then, Katy, bar the door.  
He will sleep in our apartment for now.  He will not travel with us, so soon, he will be one of the house dogs, but for now, he’s in here with us.  Max and Gemma get along just fine.  Even with Gemma standing on the bed, Max is still taller than she is.  He is a magnificent beast.  

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