Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Thursday, 9 January 2020: Isla Areana

Time to be out on the water in a boat!  They picked us up on our beach.  Carole joined us;  unfortunately she slipped as she was getting on the boat but she is such a trouper.  
We had planned to go for four hours (for $2200),  We went for the extended time (six hours for $2600 which allowed us to go south to Campeche to Isla Arena to the crocodile habitat and have an early lunch, to the nearby museum, into the mangroves, and then swimming from a sandbar.  After swimming, the task was to get back up in the boat.  That was a sight.  I ended up woth some bruises under my arms, but thankfully the only damage was to my pride.  Even more thankfully, Jordan, Erich and Justin are forgiving.  Carole and I were laughing too hard.  

Tamales for dinner.  I think Jordan and Erich have been pleased with what they've been eating... and drinking.  

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