Sunday, February 9, 2020

Sunday, 19 January 2020: Merida

With Lolita on the roof applying the sealer and Ivan and Jonathan working on the septic system, we loaded Chahook in the car and headed to MĂ©rida. It was a sad goodbye but Abraham was stoic; I cried.  Our plan was solid but, no cigar.  While we were in Merida, we made a dozen more phone calls phone and visited a few more places but we totally struck out in finding even temporary placement for Chahook.  Seems we need to have an appointment at the shelter and that wasn’t available until mid February.  Aargh!  We bought a bag of dog food and headed to our hotel, Merida Garden.  Chahook is known to get car sick so, as we cleaned that up, we could only hope that she’d behave in the hotel.  And, of course, we were hoping that Patricia and Miguel would be ok with her.  She IS 
a bit larger than Gemma!

Muebles Puerta del Sur oon Av. Correa racho turned out to be the the mother load of all blue and white dishes in Merida.  And, pots for plants too.  I will definitely want to come back here.  Chahook waited patiently in the car while we shopped.


After getting Chahook settled we were bound for Boston’s for what turned out to be the last game of the season for the Packers.  In a win or go home situation like it is in the playoffs, it makes for a long plane ride back to Green Bay. But hey!  We made it to the playoffs!  First time in a few years!  Best season ever for a new Packer Head coach!  All is good.

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