Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Thursday, 30 January 2020: Casa Colibri


 Antonio was here earlier in the week to install more cabinets in the kitchen!  I am so, so excited!  He also worked on replacing the frames on the doors into the bathrooms in a couple of the rooms.  The termites have had a feast so we are replacing everything with cedar.

 Evan and Robin arrived. Justin and Evan went to high school together but they didn’t really know each other then.  Oh, the wonders of Facebook.  Home for them is Florida now and they will be here for a month.  Evan is a retired member of the Marine Corps; he had an aircraft repair billet.  Robin was a court reporter.  I look forward to getting to know them better in the course of the next month. 

We helped them get settled and then we headed to dinner at Carole’s.  Carole wanted to honor Justin's birthday as ell as Peter's  She prepared German foods for Peter and she knew darned well Justin would like them too.  Carole prides herself in always trying to prepare different foods.  And she does a darned good job.  

Robbie played second hostess (a role I don't understand).  Katherine, Lillian and Serg were there too.

So stuffed by the end of the evening it was a good thing I didn't have to walk too far to get home.

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