Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Saturday, 4 January 2020: Casa Colibri

Justin continues to work on plants.  He's created quite the indoor space in our new grande cocina.  He’s also placing the door pulls on our cabinets.  We will have only a few pulls.  The rest of the cabinets will be sleek and simple.  

Justin and I did more painting today than we’ve ever done at Casa Colibri.  We touched up the yellow in the kitchen and did one more coat on the masetas that form part of the insides of the kitchen cabinets.  While I don’t paint, I do mask and scrape and take out and replace switch plates etc.  Today I also cleaned and applied sealer to the granite.  While these aren’t necessarily “fun” chores, I am so glad to get them finished.  Jordan and Erich will be here soon so we are taking advantage of the motivation to get things all neat and tidy before they arrive.

The Houston Texans barely beat the Buffalo Bills in the wild card round today --  22-19 in overtime.  Wonder, could the Packers just maybe meet the Texans in the Super Bowl?

The bougainvillea outside continues to make me smile!

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