Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Monday, 3 February 2020: Casa Colibri

Back to Merida but at least now the purpose is for something exciting — our trip to Cuba.  
The weekend was nice basically because we were at home.   I do so enjoy days when I dont even leave my house!

Party at Sandra’s on Saturday evening.  I hadn’t danced that much in a long, long time.  Last year Dellene and Steve were here at this time.  Somehow this year the whole scene made more sense.  

Lolita and her team were back on Sunday.  They are still working on the roof sealant.  
There was a dog ruckus before coffee. Congo belongs to Jorge across the street.  Before today I would have told you that Congo knew how to get into our yard but didn't know how to get out to go back home.  After he met Max this morning, somehow, he found his way home.  There was a little blood; Congo might not come back so soon.  At one point I threw a conch shell and connected with Max right in his jaw.  He didn't slow down.  Abraham finally got them separated.  This wasn't 
a good way to start the day.  Maybe we aren’t pet friendly???

We took Robin and Evan on a field trip.  There are a whole handful of places in town I'd never have known about if someone hadn't showed me  -- so I figured I'd show them too.   We missed cochinita pubil, a Sunday delicacy, so I made a Chinese eggplant dish for lunch.  Robin made vegetable soup for dinner. With bread from Peters that was yummy.

So this morning we headed into Merida to find that it was Constitution Day.  The immigrations office was closed.  Drat and double drat.  We ran another dozen errands and we had lunch at La Cubanita and talked to the owners about where they were from and where we should go to visit.  I need to worry about visas too.

Robin and Evan went to Merida too.  They made a Costco run so they are settling in just fine.  I told Robin I was so very proud of her... she's jumped in with Pilates... she's not intimidated by Mexican butter... she is trying new foods as she is being cautious... they are exploring and they are resting.  All in all, the making of a great vacation in my book.   
Since all four of us were away from the house and it was Abraham's day off, I asked Jonathan to check on the house.  Just in case.  You gotta love google translate.  The literal translation of his response was "of course.  If there is a house, everything's fine."  Now I can worry.  

The caucus was chaotic.  Haven’t we all learned not to try an app for the first time when it really matters?  We still don’t know the result. Poor Iowa.  

Friday, 31 January 2020: Casa Colibri

Justin’s birthday !!!
I remember his birthday in Japan when we went to the beach and to Kamakura 
Today, we went back to immigrations for finger prints.  Yet another step in his gaining permanente status.  Since we started this process and it is still not finished, we also need to initaite the paprwork to gain an exit-re-entry visa for him.  Goodness!!!

Several hours later, we got fingerprints done just fine but not so much success with the exit-re-entry 
visa application.  I had made a typographical error with the dates of his passport and we will have to start over ... Grrr

Our next stop was lunch at Piccoli -- a great little Italian place.   It was our second time here and we will be sure to go back.  Justin had a seafood pasta dish and I had shrimp in a spinach cream sauce.  Both were heavenly.  Kim will be pleased when we can tke her there.  

Thursday, 30 January 2020: Casa Colibri


 Antonio was here earlier in the week to install more cabinets in the kitchen!  I am so, so excited!  He also worked on replacing the frames on the doors into the bathrooms in a couple of the rooms.  The termites have had a feast so we are replacing everything with cedar.

 Evan and Robin arrived. Justin and Evan went to high school together but they didn’t really know each other then.  Oh, the wonders of Facebook.  Home for them is Florida now and they will be here for a month.  Evan is a retired member of the Marine Corps; he had an aircraft repair billet.  Robin was a court reporter.  I look forward to getting to know them better in the course of the next month. 

We helped them get settled and then we headed to dinner at Carole’s.  Carole wanted to honor Justin's birthday as ell as Peter's  She prepared German foods for Peter and she knew darned well Justin would like them too.  Carole prides herself in always trying to prepare different foods.  And she does a darned good job.  

Robbie played second hostess (a role I don't understand).  Katherine, Lillian and Serg were there too.

So stuffed by the end of the evening it was a good thing I didn't have to walk too far to get home.

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Wednesday, 22 January 2020: Casa Colibri

Happy Birthday Lisa!
Meet Max.  
We picked him up at Katherine’s Hacienda.  This was our second visit and we still havent had the grand tour.  Katherine wasnt home but Louis handled the handoff expertly.  
Max loaded himself right

up in the car — it would be so interesting to know of his previous life.  Clearly he’s been in a car before.  We think he is three or four years old.  Katherine rescued him from a Mexican family where he was chained up all the time; precious little interaction with people or other dogs and certainly not the type or amount of exercise he needs.  She’s been feeding him as much as he can eat and taking care of a few skin irritations.  She would have liked to have kept him but he didn’t work out with her pack.  We are going to try to see if he works with ours.  If so, we will get him fixed as soon as we can.  That will help change his demeanor and calm him down.  

The initial introductions were, well, loud.  All the other dogs were really talking, but Max, not so much.  He was a little more tentative.  But when he does bark, oh my!  It is truly a full-body bark.  It starts at his back toes and you can see it move up across his back toward his head and mouth.  Then, Katy, bar the door.  
He will sleep in our apartment for now.  He will not travel with us, so soon, he will be one of the house dogs, but for now, he’s in here with us.  Max and Gemma get along just fine.  Even with Gemma standing on the bed, Max is still taller than she is.  He is a magnificent beast.