Friday, December 25, 2020

Thursday, 10 December 2020: NEWisconsin

Marchant’s doesn’t carry black eyed peas!  I learned a long time ago they dint have grits, but now no black-eyed peas.  You betcha I am going to eat them this year at New Year's so I am going to buy them now!

The last two days were spectacular and warm.  We took advantage and worked outside near the bay.  We had a fire and tried to enjoy the last vestiges of bearable weather.  Yes, we both had on long-johns.  

We also worked on the closet in the back bedroom.  Justin is also biting off new baseboard and new molding at the ceilings so of course, the project has morphed.  

Our new couch broke. WTF. It’s not like we are bouncing up and down.  WTF!

Jordan and Kris have COVID. Good golly they've had enough.  Kris is scheduled for reconstructive surgery in early February.  Thankfully neither of them have severe symptoms.  The boys have complained of a mild headache here and there and Willow is mildly symptomatic but all in all, they seem to be doing ok.  I made a couple of trips to the grocery store for them with delivery on the door step.  Goodness.  

Texas tried to mess in other states business.  They tried to file lawsuits that a few other states did not really hold fair and legal elections.  How can one state mess in the business of another?  Thank goodness the Supreme Court weighed in with sensibility. Republicans need to move on; all of us need to be able to move on.  

Tuesday, 8 December 2020: NEWisconsin

We are back to our original plan where we are waiting for a vaccine.

We go to Brussels many days.  We are keeping Brussels heated even though we’ve blown out the water lines.  We continue to clean out the garage, etc. and work on projects.  Justin wanted to get two boats to Hartung for winter projects.  He thinks he's figured out a way to be able to hear part of the garage so inside projects may be possible.   

I tried my hand at making cheater-bagels one morning.  They are really just a quick bread.  They were OK but I guess we'd rather just have biscuits.                                                                    

We've seen a couple of bald eagles at Hartung.  This one stayed for well over an hour one morning.  They are simply majestic!

There is ice in our vernal creek at Bayshore.  I won't say that it is frozen solid, but there's not much movement in there at all.   The fall has been really mild and sunsets have been spectacular many days.  

We continue to work our way through Netflix.  We recently watched My Octopus Teacher , a captivating documentary filmed over eight years.  Who knew an octopus lived only one year. And, more surprisingly who knew one could develop a personal relationship with an octopus.

One of the news feeds reported that Black Friday and cyber Monday sales had not been as hoped and that this was an indication of slowed economic recovery. Well, we did our part. We bought new pots and pans, a new carpet for the living room, a new comforter and flannel sheets, new headphones, a new electric toothbrush , a kitchen scale and so much more. Yes, we did our part. 

I can't wait until electoral college meets. I am still anxious.

Tuesday, 1 December 2020: NorthEast Wisconsin

Today is not go.  Instead, it is Ground hog day.  We are still making runs to Brussels.  Yes, of course the pace has slowed and admittedly we take a day or three rather slowly or even off.  We are retired after all.  
There was a full moon when we got up this morning.  The thermometer read 21’.  I bought long underwear last week.  If we are staying here I guess I need a new winter coat too.  

Headline this morning “Biden beats trump in the election”.   FINALLY!!

Thursday, 26 November 2020: Hartung

Thanksgiving Day in Wisconsin.  This is a first!  Breakfast mimosas started the day.  And, since we’ve got a new tv and an antenna we are able to pick up network tv.  Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade.  There were no crowds on the streets, and the Rockettes wore masks as did Mrs. Claus.  This is such a weird time.  We got a new couch for Hartung yesterday so we were thoroughly ensconced in front of the tube.  After the parade we watched the National Dog Show.  Again, no crowds but lots of four legged furry friends.  And all this, just in time for Thanksgiving football.  

We have so much for which to be many reasons to sing praises of thanksgiving.  

We continue to go back and forth on our decision to travel.  If there was no virus, we’d be in Celestun already.  But, given the virus, we wait.  We have so many chores to do here...we keep plugging at it.

Monday, 22 November. Hwy 57 between Green Bay and Brussels


We blew out the water lines at Brussels and we are moving stuff back to Hartung.  Are we continue to move stuff back to Hartung.  We sure do have a lot if stuff.  Somewhere along the way Justin said he just wasn't a one garage kind of guy.  I responded with that I wasn't a Randy and Lorri Grant kind of girl.  Rany and Lorri are our friends from Japan who retired early and got it ALL down to a back pack and a carry on... for life.  Not just for travel, but for life.  No, not me.  I like my stuff too much.  

We worked with Gracie and Nathanael yesterday in the yard at Bayshore.  We are trying to do as much as we can outside while the weather is still bearable.  Actually it has been a mild, pleasant fall.  Justin wanted to get some trees down and it didn't really work with Gracie at the wheel to pull.  The tree fell into Don and Amy's yard.  This wasn't good.  Don said he'd never seen Justin move so fast.  

Our new TV was delivered on Friday and we were all set up in time to watch Sunday football. We have little rabbit ears antenna to get local channels, and for today that is fine.  Since we are continuing to work our way through Netflix, we are doing just fine.  We had cold boiled shrimp and a few other special treats to mark football in our own house. 

Unfortunately the Packers lost. Perhaps I need to rethink my Jordie Nelson jersey. I wore it when we lost to the Vikings and I wore it again yesterday when we lost to the Colts and I’ve only worn it twice!!!


Wednesday, 18 November 2020: no more sitting on the fence!

On Saturday we told Cindy we wanted out of our contract.  She talked to her people and they talked to their people.  I'd already talked to a few lawyers to determine that we didn't really have a lot of wiggle room since most of the protections are for the buyer.  
We wrote a big check...we are moving on.  At least I get my husband back.

So now our work shifts.  It is no less work, but totally different focus.  Now we move stuff back to Hartung.
We ordered a new BIG TV.  It wont be here for football for tomorrow but soon.

We are continuing to work on the new closet in the back bedroom in Brussels.  Demolition is complete and the new closet doors arrived and they are exquisite but damaged.  Damaged!  I contacted the vendor and went into Prison Martha mode after the third phone call.  As it turned out, we got a full refund and we "can discard the merchandise as we choose."  Thankfully, I know how to repair shoji doors!

When we picked up the chain saw and Mantis from Luxembourg Implement, we also bought 10 lbs of cheese to take to Mexico.  But are we going?  I am hesitant.  I am reluctant.  I am so confused. 

Justin’s decided to store two cars in Brussels and at least one boat and one car at Hartung. 
Meanwhile, in Celestun... we've been in communication with Abraham and learned that there is water standing on our property.  No damage to the house, but lots of the plants have died from the salt water and too much water.  Evaristo will finish the work in Abraham’s kitchen today.  Antonio hasn’t finished his work and Abraham will follow up on that.  We paid him to complete restoration of the doors into our apartment.  It is a bit disconcerting.  

 The big question now is can we get our work done and be ready to fly on 1 December and, the even bigger question is do we want to fly at all?  Texas passed 1 million cases of COVID 19; California passed 1 million cases.  Better go make another mask or three. 

Sunday, December 20, 2020

Thursday, 12 November 2020: Hartung


Justin is not happy.  This is more than buyer's remorse.  And, it is more than just some more hard work.  We are busting it to get everything back to Brussels after having spent the summer in both places.  Me?  I too am having doubts.  Do we really want to go to Mexico?  If we sell this house and we don’t go to Mexico, where will we live?

Our flights are booked for us to leave on 1 December.  I am so ready but do I really want to go?

We got a new garage door in Brussels.  This one is white, insulated and way cool.  

Meanwhile, in Celestun: Evaristo is installing screens in the guest kitchen.  Peter has lunch/dinner offerings for take-away.  He certainly has adapted given the way things have changed.  We see his advertisements through Facebook.  Some look great.  Part of me wishes we were there to support his new business plan.  

We went back to Brussels and then back to Hartung at the end of the day.  All summer long I've been trying to make sure what we want to eat is in the house we are in rather than have two complete kitchens, pantries and frigs.  Today I left bag of food for dinner in the hallway in Brussels while we headed back to Hartung.  Oh, well.  

Trump still hasn’t conceded. It’s one thing that he hasn’t done the gentlemanly thing.  It is another to prevent the wheels of government to continue to turn   The Administrator of GSA holds the purse strings.  There is no money to fund the transition.  What will the next +/- 70 days bring?  

Saturday, 7 November 2020: still by the tube

The marathon continued all week .  Fox and AP called Arizona already but the rest are waiting.  We are all waiting.

Justin read to me this morning that 70% of the people are represented by 30% of the senate.  That’s not right.  That means it is all about geography.  That’s not right. 

Georgia on our minds...for sure. 

A new word for the day.. chart-throb..  the poor, sleep-deprived news reporter geeks who continue to provide us with updates.  Who is my fave?  I’m sticking with George Stephaopoulos  from ABC. 

Around noon today, they called Pennsylvania ... we may actually have a new president. Sensibility?  Respect? Kindness?  Re-join WHO?  Re-join the Paris Climate Agreement?  Imagine what Biden’s “to do” list looks like for day one and then for the first 100 days.  

Thursday, 5 November 2020: Hartung

 Thursday, 5 November 2020: by the tube, waiting

This weekend marked the end of daylight savings time...another hour of 2020 but it also meant that we were up in time for the Sunday morning news shows.  This used to be a ritual for Justin so he was quite happy to get settled in for an hour or so... he is quite the news junkie.  

As of Thursday, it is yet another Election Day.  We wait.  Yes. The road to 270 is a slow one. Wisconsin came through for Biden.  Texas?  Well, now ...  Pennsylvania, Nevada, Arizona, N Carolina, Georgia and Alaska still unknown. 253 to 214  and we wait...

Thursday, December 10, 2020

Saturday, 31 October 2020: Green Bay


Halloween looked different this year.  Jordan said that in his neighborhood they saw the full gambit.  People who had previously given out full sized candy bars had no lights on.  Others handed out hot chocolate and Carmel apples like it was the ‘80’s.  Kris followed the suggestion of putting candy out on a table so those who wandered by could help themselves.  I can only imagine what we might have done as kids with that temptation.  Thankfully the weather cooperated and even though we saw quite a few costumes that had masks incorporated in unique ways, little princesses didn’t have to wear winter gear over their wings.  Halloween has never been my favorite anyway but that is a story for another time.  

Justin sold the extension ladder, an outboard motor, and he gave away an old lawn mower, and chairs for a boat.  We are getting rid of stuff hand over fist.  The idea of trying to shoe-horn into Brussels is a bit overwhelming.  

We are almost wearing out the road going back and forth to Brussels to take another load and to plant and to organize and ...  But I am not cooking.  Pizza for dinner tonight.  

Sean Connery died. End of an era.

Friday, 30 October 2020: Hartung

We had dinner with Sheri Shade earlier this week.  We hadn’t seen her all summer.  She brought over some fried chicken and mashed potatoes and while that wouldn’t have been what Justin and I might have chosen for dinner, it was great to visit with her.  Yes, she was inside our house but we felt like we were still being smart and safe.  God love that girl.  She invited us to spend our last few nights at her cottage in Egg Harbor and then offered to drive us to the airport the day we fly.  What an incredibly generous offer!!!

Holly has Covid 19. She didn’t disclose this to Erich...until she was dropping off the kids after they’d spent the last three days with her.  How incredibly selfish... and irresponsible.  Tomorrow he’ll take them all for testing since he sure can’t go to work until he knows.  

The temps continue to drop.  It isn’t bad at all yet though. There were a few flurries one day but the ground is warm and it melted right away.  

Daylight saving time ends this week...yet another hour of 2020.

Tuesday, 27 October 2020: Hartung

I made some bird seed bread but this time I combined that recipe with the procedure for an overnight rise.  The smells from early morning baking along with a fantastic product let me know that my experiment was a success.  

So what can you do to make bird seed bread even better?  You make avocado toast!  Every time I have avocado toast I think of Mary.  The first time I had the delight we were in Murfreesboro at a cute little brunch spot with John and Mary. Today I topped the toasted slices of crunchy, seedy deliciousness with generous smears of creamy avocado.  And on top a sunny side up egg and a garnish of bacon.  Simply delish!!!

Yesterday I called United to see when they would reinstate the route from Houston to Merida.  I was able to rebook our flights for 1 December.  If they really do reinstate the route from IAH to Merida... so much better than going through Cancun!

We started demo on the  closet in Brussels. Somewhere before we started Justin said it would take about five days.  I knew better than to think they would be five consecutive days.