Thursday, September 19, 2019

Thursday, 22 August 2019: Brussels

Tom and Joan left on Friday after a great visit.  Joan had gone to the dermatoligist in Green Bay and her procedure was a bit more than exected.  We tried to "keep her on ice".  We started a jigsaw puzzle that turned into a beast!

On Saturday we did a lot of tree trimming on Hartung.  While we were there we took the time to catch up with Gloraa, Lloyd and even Tony and Colleen.  

Just like Friday means Fish Fry in Wisconsin, Sunday means Broasted chicken in this part of the world.  I didn't even know what broasted was until I moved here.  It is frying, but in a pressure cooker.  It is yummy, when it is good.  Justin had fond memories of meals at Davister Whips in Sugarbush.  Unfortunately, we won't need to go there again.  

Today was Game Day!  We put on our green and gold and went to Rouer's right here in Brussels.  Brian and Tracy were there, of course.  We saw Shane there too.  He recognized Gemma even before he saw Justin and me.  Justin was overserved.
Me?  I just had to get up and dance when a Willie tune came on.

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