Thursday, September 19, 2019

Sunday, 8 September 2019: on the bay

Justin and I worked with stones all day.  It seemed like he was moving them and I was removing them.  By the time we remove them, the mass has decreased and the slope needs to be realigned.  We can't dig at all in our yard without turning up stones.  We use them to make borders for all our beds and now we are using the larger, flat stones to make walkways.  
At least the view is spectacular!

I am already worried that we won’t get everything done before we need to leave.  
Frosty Tip closed today for the season.  We didn’t make it for one last trip but I’ll bet that’s ok.

We stopped by Jason and Amy's house yesterday to return Jason’s safety glasses.  We were saddened to learn Amy has breast cancer.  With three young, beautiful children Amy will postpone her student teaching as she begins he 20 week regime. I'll keep her in my prayers. 

Kris and Jordan got preapproval to buy the 13 acres across the street.  They’ll meet with their realtor on Monday to entertain setting a price for their cottage and then decide on an offer price for the Bayshore property.  Wow!!!

After having two cement mixers listed on Craigslist all summer, the phone keeps ringing. One guy came to buy the one that was still in the box a week or so ago.  Jim is supposed to come this Wednesday to get the one that is already assembled .  Hector called today. Justin felt he was committed to Jim — sure do hope he shows up.

Windjammers had a cruise to Chadouirs Dock.  Six boats came; we went down to join them for a beverage.  We had talked about joining the cruise but the wind wasn't right.  As it turned out most of the boats motored the entire way.  Maybe next year...

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