Thursday, September 19, 2019

Friday, 30 August 2019: Windjammers

We've been spending a lot of time trying to get our yard back together.  It is going so very slowly.  

So very slowly.

Justin had grand plans with Chris Gronski.  Chris wanted to learn to sail and he knows how to repair large engines.  Chris wanted to join Windjammers and Justin was going to sponsor him.  All that had fallen through -- Justin is disappointed and frustrated since neither the Merlin nor Emerald have been working this summer.  
Enter Douglas who introduces Justin to Mark.  Mark got Merlin running and we were able to go out for a quick sunset sail.  Thankfully!  and double thankfully, this fulfills out Windjammer Sailing Club requirement that the boat gets out of the harbor under its own power at least once during the season.  

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