Thursday, September 19, 2019

Sunday, 8 September 2019: on the bay

Justin and I worked with stones all day.  It seemed like he was moving them and I was removing them.  By the time we remove them, the mass has decreased and the slope needs to be realigned.  We can't dig at all in our yard without turning up stones.  We use them to make borders for all our beds and now we are using the larger, flat stones to make walkways.  
At least the view is spectacular!

I am already worried that we won’t get everything done before we need to leave.  
Frosty Tip closed today for the season.  We didn’t make it for one last trip but I’ll bet that’s ok.

We stopped by Jason and Amy's house yesterday to return Jason’s safety glasses.  We were saddened to learn Amy has breast cancer.  With three young, beautiful children Amy will postpone her student teaching as she begins he 20 week regime. I'll keep her in my prayers. 

Kris and Jordan got preapproval to buy the 13 acres across the street.  They’ll meet with their realtor on Monday to entertain setting a price for their cottage and then decide on an offer price for the Bayshore property.  Wow!!!

After having two cement mixers listed on Craigslist all summer, the phone keeps ringing. One guy came to buy the one that was still in the box a week or so ago.  Jim is supposed to come this Wednesday to get the one that is already assembled .  Hector called today. Justin felt he was committed to Jim — sure do hope he shows up.

Windjammers had a cruise to Chadouirs Dock.  Six boats came; we went down to join them for a beverage.  We had talked about joining the cruise but the wind wasn't right.  As it turned out most of the boats motored the entire way.  Maybe next year...

Friday, 6 September 2019: 1429 N Bayshore

Instead of my tried and true shrimp and grits, today I made corn and grits.  The blogger said this was "what grits wanted to be in the summertime."  Oh, my goodness -- this recipe is a keeper!  Cut the corn off the cob, sauté with onions and butter (I'll add some bacon next time, just a bit) and then top with yummy shrimp.  Oh my!

Thursday, 5 September 2019: Green Bay

We continue to work on putting the yard back together.  AARGH!!

And, we decided to leave on Monday 23 Sept.  That means we will stay here in the Green Bay Area so we can go to see the Downtown Abbey movie with Terry Gay.  We had talked about leaving on the 17th after the Vikings game, but Terry reminded me that I had promised!

So, yes, Justin is taking me on a honey moon.  Our plan is:
Sault St Marie
Manitoulin Island -- two nights
Niagara Falls -- two nights
somewhere before the Blue Rridge Parkway
Grassy Creek Cabooses -- in the middle of the parkway
Somewhere on the way south
New Orleans -- two nights
Ciudad Del Carmen
Celestun by the middle of October  -- OK, that is the plan.

We went into town to meet Sean and Jordan to watch the game -- season opener against the Bears!  So after that kick off event, we are number one in the NFL, the bears are the last, and everyone else is tied for second.

Sunday, 1 September 2019: North East Winsconsin

Today would have been Aunt Footie's birthday.  She was my favorite great aunt.  No question she is in heaven smiling on us all today.

Mike, Mandi and Eli left today after a short visit.  We worked on a deadly jigsaw puzzle; yes, the same one we started when Tom and Joan were here. I'd been ready to throw it away (I've never done that before) but I am glad I left it up.  It gave Mandy and I an excuse to get a lot of chatting in.
Justin cooked steaks for dinner -- can't beat the tenderloins from Marchant's!
Jordan and the kids came over for breakfast of Justin’s famous French toast.  We were out of maple syrup so I made blueberry syrup that met our needs.  

Marsha and Randy were curious so they came over to look at the yard.  Guess they wanted to see what you get for a mere $30k.

The property across the street is for sale.  It has a cottage and a garage on 13 acres.  Kris is really interested in this property and since Mandy is a realtor … we got to go in a check it out.  Kris is really, really interested now.  

Before Mike and his family left to go back to Milwaukee, all the Miller's went to the Dyckesville bowl for curds and burgers.  Justin and I went to Frosty Tip after.  They close next week for the season.  This is Labor Day weekend — school starts here on Monday.

Gridiron news—Final 53 man roster came out for the Packers.
I am sticking with my names to watch — local guy, Jake Kumrow, 3rd round draft choice Jace Stoneberger out of TAMU, and 7th round pick and Ty Summers out of TCU.
Tim Boyle is the Packers back up QB.  Thankfully LaFleur sent Kizer packing.  He had his chance last year when Aaron Rogers was hurt and he fiddled away his chance.  This year it is all about Boyles should, we need him.
I was pleasantly surprised to see management stick with Mason Crosby.  I heard a girl refer to him as “Crossbar Crosby” — I sure hope that name doesn’t stick.

We will be ready for the season opener against the Bears on Thursday.


Friday, 30 August 2019: Windjammers

We've been spending a lot of time trying to get our yard back together.  It is going so very slowly.  

So very slowly.

Justin had grand plans with Chris Gronski.  Chris wanted to learn to sail and he knows how to repair large engines.  Chris wanted to join Windjammers and Justin was going to sponsor him.  All that had fallen through -- Justin is disappointed and frustrated since neither the Merlin nor Emerald have been working this summer.  
Enter Douglas who introduces Justin to Mark.  Mark got Merlin running and we were able to go out for a quick sunset sail.  Thankfully!  and double thankfully, this fulfills out Windjammer Sailing Club requirement that the boat gets out of the harbor under its own power at least once during the season.  

Thursday, 22 August 2019: Brussels

Tom and Joan left on Friday after a great visit.  Joan had gone to the dermatoligist in Green Bay and her procedure was a bit more than exected.  We tried to "keep her on ice".  We started a jigsaw puzzle that turned into a beast!

On Saturday we did a lot of tree trimming on Hartung.  While we were there we took the time to catch up with Gloraa, Lloyd and even Tony and Colleen.  

Just like Friday means Fish Fry in Wisconsin, Sunday means Broasted chicken in this part of the world.  I didn't even know what broasted was until I moved here.  It is frying, but in a pressure cooker.  It is yummy, when it is good.  Justin had fond memories of meals at Davister Whips in Sugarbush.  Unfortunately, we won't need to go there again.  

Today was Game Day!  We put on our green and gold and went to Rouer's right here in Brussels.  Brian and Tracy were there, of course.  We saw Shane there too.  He recognized Gemma even before he saw Justin and me.  Justin was overserved.
Me?  I just had to get up and dance when a Willie tune came on.

Tuesday, 20 August 2019: Brussels

Yesterday was the last public Packer practice.  Justin and I headed into town to run errands and, of course, go to practice.  Other highlights of the day included lunch at El Serape and dinner and Smart Cow.

Today, Grant came about 8:00 am.  School starts soon for him but even sooner he will be going to track practice.  That means he wont be able to come help us -- dangit!

Tim and Joan came to visit.  They will be here for a few days and it will be good time to catch up.  

Monday, September 16, 2019

Sunday, 18 August 2019: Brussels

Justin went to work with Jason yesterday.  He and Amy have sold their house and they need to get the new one ready to live in.  You need to have a working sink and a working bathroom and you can move in.  The team there today was Jason, John, Jeff, and Justin.  No lack of Js.


I worked a bit at home and then met Justin for lunch at April's.

The afternoon was for company.  Kelly and Carl came mid-
afternoon.  They are looking for property in Door County. 
Jordan and his family came over to swim.  After a day that started early and didn’t slow down at all, It was an early evening for us

Today, Justin worked all day in the yard while I drove to fleet farm to pick up chairs to complete our new set for outside.  I bought fresh corn while I was out and then cooked in the microwave like Charlsy taught me. Brilliant