Sunday, April 22, 2018

Wednesday, 4 April 2018: on board the “Flipped Out” in Intracoastal City, LA


We went to the local grocery/cafe for breakfast and after considerable cussing and discussing, Stephen decided that since it was so late in the day that we’d hang out here and leave early tomorrow.  We stocked up on some groceries and as we were walking out they were taking a huge pan of brownies loaded with pecans out of the oven. We asked to buy some but were told th
at those were only for dessert on the plate lunch.  Drat!  
Stephen and Dalton worked on the boat; Justin groomed Gemma and trimmed her nails; I read my book.  About two o’clock we thought about lunch.  I walked over to the grocery/cafe to learn that lunch was over at 1:00 and they were closed.  Drat!  But do you have any of those brownies left I asked.  She GAVE we an styrofoam container filled with brownies.  I offered to pay but she said no.  (At breakfast this morning Justin scored five or six bananas.  They were on the edge and they gave them to him.).  Now they are giving me brownies!  Major score!!!  Stephen and Dalton walked in right after me and asked about the lunch and the brownies so when they lady said she’d given them all away, they left empty handed.  So, when I showed up with treasures in hand, I was assured that I’d done my contribution for the day.

Dalton worked with the smallest kite during afternoon.  Can we really use this to propel the boat?  
Dalton grilled pork chops for dinner.  (Gemma and Lucy were able to enjoy gnawing or gumming on the bones for a while.)  I cooked potatoes and green beans for our sides.  Along with a simple salad and brownies for dessert, we ended our day quite satisfied.  

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