Sunday, April 22, 2018

Monday, 2 April 2018: on board the “Flipped Out” outside LakeCharles, LA

No mosquitoes last night!  Uninterrupted sleep was welcomed.
Yesterday when we were at the casino, I told Justin how much I needed a shower, he asked me if I needed it $135 worth since that was the going rate for hotel rooms.  I said “no, but maybe by tomorrow”. As it turned out our first stop was to return to the Calcasieu Landing Point where we had stopped for a stretch yesterday.  This time not only did Lucy and Gemma get to have a comfort stop but also, we all had a chance to get a bit cleaned up.  Yes, I washed my hair in the sink in the restroom.  Maybe we can live with each other a few more days.  
Back onto the ICW, eastbound.  We entered the queue for a lock vying for position with barges of all dimensions.  Some were double wide and the westbound one that we had to wait for to enter the lock was, in effect, it’s own convoy as it was six barges long and three wide pushed by one tug.  We did get the dreaded five short blasts from the lock operator telling us to get out of the way fast.  

These days were long and the scenery wasn’t  much to keep one engaged. It was either industrial/chemical plants or flat and filled with sea grasses.  There was lots of time for stories and jawing.  At one point Stephen said that this boat wasn’t ready for his wife.  I agreed that no it wasn’t.  Later, he asked what Justin had said or done to get me to agree to be here.  Without hesitating a moment, I replied “I want a new floor.”  I don’t think I’ve heard Justin laugh that hard in a while.  
I called ahead to Myers Landing RV Park asking if they were open and had fuel.  With that bird in the hand I pushed on; do you have a slip for a 41’ catamaran for tonight?  The lady, Cindy, asked in reply “That’s a boat right?”

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