Sunday, April 22, 2018

Thursday, 29 March 2018: Rockport

The Mainecat was launched!
We’d been back in Rockport for a few days.  Stephen Marcoe flew in from Reno.  The newly formed crew (Stephen, Dalton, Justin and I) spent the next two days scrambling to get provisions and supplies together to begin the journey eastward: food, water, life jackets for Gemma and Lucy (Stephen brought along a cute little black Cairn Terrier). We bought a bit of sod for the back of the boat so the girls could have a working potty too.  The boat needs lots of love and TLC and much of that can happen underway, however, some chores must be addressed before launch. 
Speaking of working potty, I had said that a working potty was a non negotiable requirement for me to agree to participate in this adventure.  Not sure what I thought would be in place now...somehow, I managed for two nights since the facilities at the marina were just a short walk away.
The guys launched at about 9:20am headed to New Orleans with the plan of me meeting them somewhere near Galveston in a couple of days.  I drove back to Alvin to spend some more time with Uncle Harold and Charlsy and to wait to hear of their progress.  

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