Sunday, April 22, 2018

Thursday, 5 April 2018: on board the “Flipped Out” in Intracoastal City, LA

We pushed away from the dock right at 7:00am. Morgan City is 80-85 miles away and there didn’t seem to be much in between.  Justin went to the grocery/cafe one last time to grab breakfast sandwiches and coffee to get us on our way.  It was bitterly cold this morning.  All the guys had on multiple layers, gloves and hats.  Gemma and Lucy donned their life jackets for a layer of warmth.  Me?  I stayed in my toasty berth until almost noon.  When I did surface I made sandwiches and quesadillas for lunch as the “delivery” journey continues.  Stephen pointed out often that this was not a cruise, but a delivery trip.  I called it a repositioning cruise and he looked at me like I had three heads.

We’ve gone through areas of coastal grasses as well as areas of lots of cedar trees but the industrial areas are predominant in this landscape.  We did see a few cuts with huge “Private - No Trespassing”.  We wondered if this is where they film Swamp People?

Stephen was concerned about getting the boat ready for Barbie.  Considerable progress is apparent each day but is it enough?.
The crew pushed.  I made a pot of spaghetti and meat sauce for dinner.  Thankfully I had only prepared half the noodles so we did not have to go without when I accidentally dropped the first batch of noodles into a sink of dirty water.  The warm dinner was just what we needed as the night got cool.  We pulled into Houma’s Downtown Marina a bit after 10pm.  Since we had gotten such an early start, we clicked off over 100miles of our journey in this one day.  A bit of a stretch was in store before we all fell into bed for slumber.

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