Sunday, April 22, 2018

Saturday, 24 March 2018: Austin

We spent the next few days in Austin with Dellene.  We saw Don and we even got to see Branson.  Dellene is just gaga about him.  Luke and Harper were in Idaho with their dad.  Dellene gets all of our mail when we are on the road so I spent several hours sorting through paperwork and bills.  It is the fact that Dellene serves as our mail mistress that allows us to go on the road like we do.  I needed to submit the extension for our taxes too.  

Back in America, we were eager to eat some different types of food.  We enjoyed Thai food, Indian food and Japanese food and of course some more BBQ.

Jordan kept Justin posted on Randy's progress as he is in the hospital.  Randy is Jordan's father in law.  The pain in his knee was misdiagnosed on three separate visits to the doctor.  On the fourth visit, with blood pressure plummeting, we learned that the sepsis had spread throughout his body.  Now, he was intubated and the talk was of amputation.  How did this happen?  Jordan and Chris are beating themselves up needlessly and Marsha, Randy's wife, is wringing her hands.  We stand ready to go home if necessary.  

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