Thursday, August 31, 2017

Tuesday, 20 June 2017: 1429 N Bayshore Road

Erich came to visit with Lilly and Brody.  They are our first overnight guests.  We sure aren't ready for prime time so they brought their sleeping bags.  Cousins Jonas and Caleb came to play.  In true form, the kids found their own form of fun.  Last time Lilly and Brody were here, they were content to wade out in the cold, cold water and throw chunks of ice at each other. This time they enjoyed swinging and a bit of tether ball.


Saturday, 24 June 2017: 1429 N Bayshore Road

Cabinet maker!  Traveling handyman!  Electrician! Come One, Come All.  The stars must have been aligned since Jason, Carl and Jim all came to our house today.  We tracked down a lead on Carl since we thought our trailer needed to be leveled.  Carl, traveling handyman, who lives at Chadouirs Dock year round, had been recommended.  Carl is quite the character; he is a recovering alcoholic who rides a Harley as much as he can on the weekends.  We liked him right away since, as it turns out, we don't need to be releveled at all.  Thank goodness!  Like in the door frame in the bathroom that had gotten wet and swollen scratching all the paint off the door when opening and closing,  the door frame of our front door has swollen and the door won't shut at all.  Carl and Justin talked about a stop-gap solution, but the remedy is a new door.  Well, we can't do the exterior door without also getting a new storm and new locks.  And we can't do the front door without doing the back door.  So, looks like we will be getting new doors!  Carl and Justin also talked about plumbing and blowing out the lines in preparation for winter, switching out the sinks in both the bathroom and in the kitchen and a few other projects.  

Before Carl left, Jason arrived.  Justin and I have decided that we want to adopt Jason.  He is just the bees knees; he is fitting us in on evenings and weekends.  He is very knowledgeable, he is prompt and responsive and he is kind.  Jason is building our bar, the wall under the bar and the shelf above the bar.  We are using reclaimed wood from a fence that was taken down at Windjammers.  Later, he will rework the cabinet above the stove to include a microwave.

For now, we are selecting the pieces of wood for the wall.  After being at our house for about an hour, he took twenty or so pieces back to his shop to plane them and bring them back so we'd have a better idea of how they would look.  The selection process was long, but really fun.  Jason set up his sliding miter-saw on our poach.  The character of the wood began to be apparent as we determined which pieces would go where within our wall.  

Jason was almost ready to start packing up his tools and the wood when Jim, the electrician called to see if he could come by.

As nice and pleasant as Carl and Jason were, Jim was a curmudgeon.  We'd just painted the first coat of Sandal colored deck paint on the living room floor and we were all in socks or barefoot.  Carl and Jason had complied with my request to remove shoes, but a Jim did not.  He said he had a sprained ankle and couldn't remove his shoes.  I said ok, but... then he started trashing our trailer... all kinds of comments about the safety, or lack thereof.... about how he hated to work on them... how he sure as ever wouldn't go underneath one... how they get blown away in a good gust, etc.  Now I can't say that anything he said was untrue.  He was out of line and I probably would have showed him to the door within three minutes.  Justin, kind man that he is, continued to work with him and to try to engage him in decent conversation as they walked through the list we had ready for an electrician ( the lights outside, the light in the gazebo, lights above the bar, connectivity for the new range and microwave, and a few other specific concerns).  Jim left with the plan to return at the end of next week.  He left his flashlight so he might be back sooner.

Despite Jim being a grouch, we did make significant strides on the house.  After everyone left, we carried on with the endless chores before getting ready to go to dinner at The Lorelei in Green Bay.  The restaurant was Jim Brice's choice since he is visiting from San Francisco.  I met Jim when he visited us in Germany.  Dave and Terry Gay are also part of this clan that were running buds back in college.  Ed and Joan Rousseau were also at dinner this evening.  Ric and Sherry Larson were also part of the group back in the day; I hope someone told Sherry they Jim was in town.  Ric and Carolyn had planned to be at dinner but they didn't show.  German has never been my favorite choice for dinner so I didn't have high expectations.  I wasn't disappointed.  

Justin was a bit melancholy after the evening.  My assessment was that sometimes when you meet with old friends, you find, sadly, that you've grown apart.  

Friday, 16 June 2017: 1429 N Bayshore Road

All the ceilings are painted.  All the walls are painted.  The insides of all the cabinets are painted as are the insides of all the closets.  All the nasty orange shag carpeting is gone. 


What is more sexy than a man vacuuming in the nude?  A man pulling up carpeting.  Now that is sexy.  And what is even better is when it is all bundled outside and ready to go to the trash.  The flip side is that there are two holes in the floor in the bedroom and the front door will not close.

We keep at it...

Saturday, 10 June 2017: Brussels

I had a few "firsts"  this week:
- my first Craig's list sale.  We sold two patio table and chair sets
- my first Craig's list purchase.  We found a trundle bed we will set up in the guest room.  Justin and I are sold on the idea of a Murphy bed but for now, we are going with a trundle bed.
- my first rhubarb crumble.  We never had rhubarb when I was growing up and I've never had the chance to cook with it either.  I found a recipe that turned out to be quite scrumptious.
- my first pre-K and Kinder graduations.  Yes, really.  Caleb "graduated" from pre-K and Jonas "graduated" from Kindergarten.  Both groups of students wore mortar boards with tassels and one group even entered to Pomp and Circumstance.  I am all about celebrating the end of the school year and accomplishments, but I sure am happier with "stepping up" ceremonies or "moving on" celebrations or something similar and saving "graduation" for a later time. 

Friday, 9 June 2017: Brussels

With fires on multiple fronts we split our days between North Bayshore, Hartung, the sailing club in Suamico and the storage unit.  Chores such as buying supplies, running errands, and tending the yard on Hartung pull us away when we'd both rather stay at home where there are three things to do in every direction.  We do try to be home for sunset and when we are, we stop.  We breathe.  We take in the moment.  Usually with beverage in hand, we take a few minutes to express our pleasure and our gratitude.  Each vista is different and amazing!  We are watching the sunsets creep farther north and will mark the spot on summer solstice.  Maybe we can ask Jordan to come mark the spot on winter solstice because we sure don't plan to be here.

We celebrated Caleb's birthday recently.  Justin gave him an ukulele.  He is quite the kid at five; he is almost as big as Jonas who is a year older.  He is very verbal and very competitive.  It will be interesting to watch these three kids as they mature.

Saturday, 4 June 2017: Green Bay

Catastrophe.  Calamity.  Chaos.  Crap.
The first time we visited 1429 North Bayshore Road, I backed into a tree as we were leaving.  Was that an omen?  If I believed in such things, I might be concerned.  When we got back here in the spring, the garage door opener got out of whack when Justin was working on removing all the measures the previous owner put in place to prevent damage from snow drifts etc.  Many, many items of clothing got paint on them when we put a new coat of paint on the mirror in the guest bedroom.  These and other mishaps pale in comparison to watching my husband pick up pieces of wood from a piece of furniture that flew off a truck in the middle of a rainstorm in the dark.  Yes, when we were moving goods from the storage unit, the weather man was, for once correct.  We loaded the oak buffet, the waterfall chest and two of the three pieces of a Japanese tansu into the back of the truck and headed north.  Before we even got out of Green Bay the wind picked up and the bottom fell out of the sky.  Not too long after we were on the highway a significant just of wind knocked one of the sections of the tansu out of the middle of the truck!  After stopping, Justin and I walked down the highway and were miraculously able to retrieve all the pieces of the now dubbed "flying tansu."  Not too much farther down the road, the tailgate of the truck failed and when it opened, the waterfall chest fell out.  We pulled over immediately to assess.  Justin then made the loop and went back to pick up all the pieces from the highway.  Watching him, in the dark, in the torrential rain, picking up pieces of wood from the highway was awful and not an experience I look forward to repeating.

Wednesday, 1 June 2017: 1429 N Bayshore Road

We are meeting our neighbors both in the neighborhood and in the community.  Don and Amy live next door.  They are here year round.  We met them last fall since we share the well with them.  I look forward to developing a friendship with them.  Margie lives in a huge house just to the north of us; she is an heiress to a ship builders fortune.  Brussels royalty?   She also lives here year round.  She has just extended the stone wall that borders her property.  We do hope that this is not in response to the fact that we parked in the easement before our driveway was put in.  We went over one morning to introduce ourselves and we had a nice chat.  Some of the other neighbors have told us that she had a turf war with the previous owners and, in response, she moved her driveway.  Sometimes people have more money than sense.  Fred and Judy live a couple of houses down in what we call "the mushroom house."  Fred made some mushroom caps from cement on top of tree stumps.  He says he is working on a fairy to go on top of the mushrooms.  Paul Newman lives down the street too.  We share the board for our mailbox with him.  I don't think he was an actor nor do I think he makes salad dressing. 

Sunday, 28 May 2017: Brussels

Today we celebrated Jordan's Birthday.  We all met at Brussel's Countryside Diner for breakfast.  Better known as "April's," Justin and I are rather frequent guests.  This is the home of the original hashbrown sandwich.  April knows just how I like to order mine.  I like "the original" but with no sausage.   Sautéed onions, green peppers, mushrooms and ham are topped with an egg (I like mine over easy) and tucked into a shell of crispy hashbrowns.  There are three sizes, mini, half and full ... I order the mini and I still can't finish that.  April opens at five to serve the farmers as they are heading to work.  By the time we roll in about 10:30 or eleven, her day is almost over.  She has a pretty darn good fish fry on Friday night too!  Guy Fieri is set to come in July and I am not sure whether April's will fall into the diner, the drive-in or the dive category.   

Justin and I worked in the yard until sunset.  We observed our ritual where we stop and enjoy that time of day no matter what else we have going.  Dinner of filets from Marchant's sure does have this weekend lined up as a near-perfect three-day weekend. 

Saturday, 22 July 2017: 1429 N Bayshore Road

Lisa and Alan were set to arrive this evening.  We busted it all day hanging pics, arranging and rearranging and getting ready for our first official out-of-town guests.  When we hung a small shoji door over a window, Justin was inspired to build a frame around it that looks like a tori gate.  The wood matches perfectly and the end result really does make quite a statement along with our black and white woodblock prints. 

The kitchen is fully functional... well, almost.  We don't have the sink in yet, but we are close.  The cabinet above the stove will hold a microwave (next year).

The tansus are in place to hold the tv.  That will happen soon ... at least as soon as I find the Apple TV.  It was in my suitcase all over Mexico but now I can't find it.  It is somewhere in the garage. 

The new sink and faucet for the bathroom is ready and waiting in the garage, but for now, since it is the only functioning sink, we are embracing the harvest gold one.


We set up the trundle bed into a king-sized bed and even had time to get a fire started before Lisa and Alan arrived about 10:30pm.  They made the drive from Goldthwaite in two days so I am sure they'll be ready to get out of the car and stretch.


Tuesday, 18 July 2017: 1429 N Bayshore Road

Jim, the electrician didn't come again today.  He was such a curmudgeon the first time he stopped by.  He left his flashlight and Justin is threatening to give the flashlight to a friend who has Old Milwaukee tools if Jim doesn't get a better attitude and help us out.  The plumber is supposed to come tomorrow.  Even though I am retired, I am still a life-long learner and I am learning things all the time.  Last fall I learned that the Dyckesville Bowl has the best cheese curds on the planet.  More recently I've learned the going rate for various professionals.  Jim, the electrician who hasn't shown up (twice) charges $38/hour.  Carl, the travelling handyman, charges $25 per hour.  The gas guy who came to install our new range charges $85/hour and the plumber who will come tomorrow to unclog our drain charges $130/hour.  I always knew that plumbers made more money than god -- and this isn't even an emergency call.  At least we are getting that done before Lisa and Alan get here.  And, thankfully we found Readd who we gladly pay $15/hour.  Goodness!

We hung pictures and started placing nick knacks and decorations ... it is starting to look like our home.

Sunday, 16 July 2017: Green Bay

We went sailing with Dave and Terry Gay.  What a lovely day on the water!  Dave and Terry are both such hoots -- it was nice to spend time just with them.  I did laugh when we got back into shore and several others were commenting on how hot it was and how nice it was to be out of the sun.  I wanted to ask which one of them had even broken a sweat.  It was such a great day with just the right amount of breeze.  Awesome!

Back on shore and back in town we stopped at Hartung to visit Rich and Erica.  They will be moving out of our house at the end of August unfortunately.  We hate to see them go.

Next stop -- the storage unit.  This was our last trip!  We are finally out!  Thankfully and finally!